format: @echo @echo "Running terraform fmt & terragrunt hclfmt..." @echo @terraform fmt -recursive @terragrunt hclfmt validate: @echo @echo "Validating infrastructure with Terragrunt..." @echo @terragrunt run-all --terragrunt-non-interactive --terragrunt-working-dir infra validate plan: @echo @echo "Planning infrastructure" @echo @terragrunt run-all --terragrunt-non-interactive --terragrunt-working-dir infra plan apply: @echo @echo "Planning infrastructure" @echo @terragrunt run-all --terragrunt-non-interactive --terragrunt-working-dir infra apply destroy: @echo @echo "Destroying infrastructure with Terragrunt..." @echo @terragrunt run-all --terragrunt-non-interactive --terragrunt-working-dir infra destroy init-upgrade: @echo @echo "Upgrading all providers with Terragrunt..." @echo @terragrunt run-all --terragrunt-non-interactive --terragrunt-working-dir infra init -upgrade providers-lock: @echo @echo "Locking all providers with Terragrunt..." @echo @terragrunt run-all --terragrunt-non-interactive --terragrunt-working-dir infra providers lock -platform=linux_amd64 .PHONY: format validate plan apply