variable "load_balancer_config" { type = map(object({ backend-protocol = string connection-idle-timeout = string cross-zone-load-balancing-enabled = bool type = string dns_record = string enable-proxy-protocol = bool nlb-target-type = string eip-allocations = string name = string })) description = "The AWS Load Balancer(s) configuration. Map keys shall be 'public' and/or 'internal'" } variable "ingress_config" { type = object({ use-proxy-protocol = bool proxy-real-ip-cidr = string use-forwarded-headers = bool compute-full-forwarded-for = bool }) description = "Ingress level configuration" default = { use-proxy-protocol = false proxy-real-ip-cidr = "" use-forwarded-headers = false compute-full-forwarded-for = false } } variable "cluster_id" { type = string description = "The name/id of the EKS cluster. Will block on cluster creation until the cluster is really ready" } variable "cluster_endpoint" { type = string description = "Endpoint for your Kubernetes API server" } variable "cluster_certificate_authority_data" { type = string description = "Base64 encoded certificate data required to communicate with the cluster" } variable "ingress_class" { type = string default = "nginx" description = "A class for the Ingress controller" } variable "is_default_ingress_class" { type = bool description = "Flag allowing to define this ingress controller ingress class as the default one" default = true } variable "enable_internal_lb" { type = bool default = false } variable "namespace" { type = string description = "The namespace where the ingress controller is deployed" default = "nginx-ingress" } variable "create_namespace" { type = bool description = "Flag allowing to create the namespace if it does not exists" default = true } variable "public_dns_record" { type = object({ zone_id = string name = string }) default = { zone_id = "" name = "" } description = "Public DNS zone and record name where to register the ingress load balancer" } variable "internal_dns_record" { type = object({ zone_id = string name = string }) default = { zone_id = "" name = "" } description = "Private DNS zone and record name where to register the ingress load balancer" } variable "tags" { type = map(string) default = {} }