Missing commands
Patrick MARIE edited this page 2021-02-22 12:48:25 +01:00

Missing commands

Original commands:



usage: bgutil clean [--help] [--clean-cache] [--clean-backend]
                    [--clean-corrupted] [--quiet] [--max-age MAX_AGE]
                    [--start-key START_KEY] [--end-key END_KEY]
                    [--shard SHARD] [--nshards NSHARDS]
                    [--disable-clean-directories] [--disable-clean-metrics]

optional arguments:
  --help                show this help message and exit
  --clean-cache         clean cache
  --clean-backend       clean backend
  --clean-corrupted     clean corrupted metrics
  --quiet               Show no output unless there are problems.
  --max-age MAX_AGE     Specify the age of metrics in seconds to evict (ie:
                        3600 to delete older than one hour metrics)
  --start-key START_KEY
                        Start key.
  --end-key END_KEY     End key.
  --shard SHARD         Shard number.
  --nshards NSHARDS     Number of shards.
                        Disable cleaning directories
                        Disable cleaning outdated metrics


usage: bgutil copy [--help] [-r] [--time-start TIME_START]
                   [--time-end TIME_END] [--dry-run]
                   [--src_retention SRC_RETENTION]
                   [--dst_retention DST_RETENTION]
                   src dst

positional arguments:
  src                   One source metric or subdirectory name
  dst                   One destination metric or subdirectory name

optional arguments:
  --help                show this help message and exit
  -r, --recursive       Copy points for all metrics as a subtree
  --time-start TIME_START
                        Copy points written later than this time.
  --time-end TIME_END   Copy points written earlier than this time.
  --dry-run             Only show commands to create/upgrade the schema.
  --src_retention SRC_RETENTION
                        Retention used to read points from the source metrics.
  --dst_retention DST_RETENTION
                        Retention used to write points to the destination
                        metrics. It only works if retentions are similar, i.e.
                        with same precisions.


usage: bgutil delete [--help] [-r] [--dry-run] path

positional arguments:
  path             One metric or subdirectory name

optional arguments:
  --help           show this help message and exit
  -r, --recursive  Delete points for all metrics as a subtree
  --dry-run        Only show commands to create/upgrade the schema.


usage: bgutil list [--help] [--graphite] glob

positional arguments:
  glob        One metric name or globbing on metrics names

optional arguments:
  --help      show this help message and exit
  --graphite  Enable Graphite globbing


usage: bgutil read [--help] [--time-start TIME_START] [--time-end TIME_END]
                   [--stage STAGE] [--async] [--output-csv]

positional arguments:
  metrics               One metric name or globbing on metrics names

optional arguments:
  --help                show this help message and exit
  --time-start TIME_START
                        Read points written later than this time.
  --time-end TIME_END   Read points written earlier than this time.
  --stage STAGE         Read points from this specific stage.
  --async               Do reads asynchronously.
  --output-csv          Output points in CSV format: metric;timestamp;value.


usage: bgutil repair [--help] [--start-key START_KEY] [--end-key END_KEY]
                     [--shard SHARD] [--nshards NSHARDS] [--quiet]

optional arguments:
  --help                show this help message and exit
  --start-key START_KEY
                        Start key.
  --end-key END_KEY     End key.
  --shard SHARD         Shard number.
  --nshards NSHARDS     Number of shards.
  --quiet               Show no output unless there are problems.


usage: bgutil stats [--help] [--start-key START_KEY] [--end-key END_KEY]
                    [--shard SHARD] [--nshards NSHARDS] [-c CONF] [-f FMT]
                    [--carbon CARBON] [--prefix PREFIX]

optional arguments:
  --help                show this help message and exit
  --start-key START_KEY
                        Start key.
  --end-key END_KEY     End key.
  --shard SHARD         Shard number.
  --nshards NSHARDS     Number of shards.
  -c CONF, --conf CONF  Configuration file for namespaces
  -f FMT, --format FMT  Format: csv, fancy_grid, github, grid, html, jira,
                        latex, latex_booktabs, latex_raw, mediawiki, moinmoin,
                        orgtbl, pipe, plain, presto, psql, rst, simple,
                        textile, tsv, youtrack, graphite
  --carbon CARBON       Carbon host:port to send points to when using graphite
  --prefix PREFIX       Prefix to add to every section name.


usage: bgutil syncdb [--help] [--dry_run] [--storage-schemas STORAGE_SCHEMAS]
                     [--retention RETENTION]

optional arguments:
  --help                show this help message and exit
  --dry_run             Only show commands to create/upgrade the schema.
  --storage-schemas STORAGE_SCHEMAS
                        Create tables from this Carbon's storage-schemas.conf
  --retention RETENTION
                        Retention to create.


usage: bgutil test [--help]

optional arguments:
  --help  show this help message and exit


usage: bgutil write [--help] [-t TIMESTAMP] [-c COUNT]
                    [--aggregator AGGREGATOR] [--retention RETENTION]
                    [--x-files-factor X_FILES_FACTOR]
                    metric value

positional arguments:
  metric                Name of the metric to update.
  value                 Value to write at the select time.

optional arguments:
  --help                show this help message and exit
  -t TIMESTAMP, --timestamp TIMESTAMP
                        Timestamp at which to write the new point.
  -c COUNT, --count COUNT
                        Count associated with the value to be written.
  --aggregator AGGREGATOR
                        Aggregator function for the metric (average, last,
                        max, min, sum).
  --retention RETENTION
                        Retention configuration for the metric.
  --x-files-factor X_FILES_FACTOR
                        Science fiction coefficient.